-noun- "The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level"
"Avoiding the depletion of a natural resource to maintain an ecological balance"
Sustainable Logistics
Preserving the ecological balance and avoiding the depletion of natural resources is essential to our survival. We prioritize sustainability and innovation at Kam-Way and recognize the long-term benefits to the environment. Choose a sustainable logistics transportation provider and make the responsible choice for the earth and the people that live on it everywhere.
At Kam-Way Transportation, innovation is a core value that drives the company to not only utilize energy-efficient equipment and fleets, but also to continuously improve its operations. Kam-Way's trucks are equipped with state-of-the-art safety technology such as all-disc brakes and TriPAC APU systems for eco-friendly driver comfort. With an average equipment age of one year or less, these cutting-edge trucks contribute to a reduced environmental impact with fuel efficient and aerodynamic designs.
EPA SmartWay Partner
Kam-Way Transportation's commitment to sustainability is further demonstrated by its participation in the Environmental Protection Agency program, as an EPA SmartWay Partner. This initiative helps businesses in the freight transportation industry improve their supply chain's environmental performance by adopting eco-friendly logistics solutions for fuel-saving strategies and technologies. By participating in the SmartWay campaign, Kam-Way Transportation ensures that its operations align with best practices for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.
View our EPA SmartWay Partner certificate here.